RC Edrington


Cocaine & Tequilla

you're so right
as usual Sarah
I am just another
drunk writer
barely afloat
in this cheap
mexican tequila
so wiggle your ass
slam the door
rush those rented tits
down to your
high class strip club
stuff those $20 bills
into your g-string
up your nose
leave me to rot
on this broken
down barstool
to scribble odes
to nothingness on
booze stained napkins
and in 10 years
darling Sarah
while I will have gone
nowhere slowly
on this rickety barstool
your baby doll skin
will have begun to age
and crack like
weathered porcelain
and I still will be
here and you
will have nowhere
to rush away to
except some flea bag
hotel room
to feed your habit
one blow job at a time


No Fear

he told me he could fly
like Spiderman,
and while I was unaware
Spidey could fly,
who am I to argue
with a 3 year old,
then he spread his
cherub wings
shot his invisible web
and dove from my desk
bounced off the sofa
crashed into the floor
arm & wrist broken
in a screech of pain,
2 days, surgery
and a cast later
my sister tells me
he still jumps
off furniture unafraid
of pain or failure,
and I sip a scotch
in wonder at
what else the kid
has left to teach
his broken down


Darling Narcissist

Amy always said
kill time before
time kills you
and I guess
that's what
she was doing
when they found her
dead 19 year old body
crumpled on a park bench
like a winos
brown paper bag.

Seems she snorted
from a Coca-Cola can
the blood vessels
in her brain exploded
like cut-rate fireworks.

And in this age
when punk rock anthems
sell wireless cell phones
on prime time TV,
I can imagine her
decked out in
her cliched thrift store garb
as she fires a Johnny Rotten
sneer into the camera
and shouts:

"White-Out takes
all mistakes away".

RC Edrington

      RC Edrington currently prides himself in being a bum, and long ago gave up the 9 to 5 slave cycle. He currently writes, paints, drinks, and spends long hours hunched over a pool table. Writing "poetry" for the last 10 years, he has only recently mustered the stamina required to send his stuff out for publication. His next chapbook is due out Summer 2003 by Babel Magazine.

Sisyphus Press will be releasing my chapbook, tentatively titled "Exploited Images", as a part of their "Outlaw Series" this summer - 2003

I publish a monthly 1 page ezine called "Spent Meat" I am always accepting submissions of poetry, short stories, reviews and artwork.

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