mark hartenbach


dopamine blues

i curse these highs & lows
but when things flatten out
the distance closes in
& i begin to itch
for a wider perspective

to eat the lotus & mustard seed
to be saturated
with the blood of the lamb
to stumble down
the road to damascus
with the angels of distraction

high & lonesome
is a contradiction of terms

where i can nickel & dime my way
into a saintly alias
that lifts me up to consolation
above the whine of the world
above note for note hymns
to the straight & narrow

where i can put myself out of context
instead of misery


dopamine blues

i curse these highs & lows
but when things flatten out
the distance closes in
& i begin to itch
for a wider perspective

to eat the lotus & mustard seed
to be saturated
with the blood of the lamb
to stumble down
the road to damascus
with the angels of distraction

high & lonesome
is a contradiction of terms

where i can nickel & dime my way
into a saintly alias
that lifts me up to consolation
above the whine of the world
above note for note hymns
to the straight & narrow

where i can put myself out of context
instead of misery


inconsolable blues

i seem to be afflicted with a weariness
that's often mistaken
for cool & detached
a purposely vague account
of my history

i seem to be cursed
with a structural flaw
detached to the point
of numbness

stripped down
to rough edges
& raw emotions
that frighten away
anything beautiful


morphine blues

its a numb indifference
as opposed to misanthropic rage

an apathetic drift
that comes through

in an inattention
to detail

desperation measured
by acts

that make no difference

contradictory impulses
may pull two different ways

so you choose
to medicate them

before they can rise
to any occasion



     mark hartenbach is lost in appalachia where he makes daily offerings to saint ishmael, the patron saint of the misfortunate, misunderstood, misjudged, mislead & misbegotten. he is currently in love with a woman he's never seen, met or imagined.

mark hartenbach

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