the cellar w/Jamie B. Lepore

I sucked my nourisment)_+=Title?
===== =Sux this===============


~From the DiRt_
~Aware of the .. supidity^
_The ugly dance of fear...*

^I smell.."Slit throats"~~
~~~Drowning in "ProTeSt"~~
.. .Makes
MORE... Passionate~~~!~
~Can you feel the pounding?

Of your terrified pleasure?

~~ ...come over here ...boy...
~~You...MoVe...mE~~ ~
Do that a,,,
.. Flat twisted worm~~~~~~~

~I;ll ware my dirty smock..
~an. ..s0on..I will be gone+++
Back to the round~hoUsE)_+

From the "Lucy=Archives*



He thought some-.....
bout...tAdAY,,and what it would bE like----
but he crawled ---oN thE flo0R----
and thought...way to much-xxx
thE damn myStery-[-his misery-]...with splices to his spine
the puppets say-------------..."HE almoST lost hiS mind!
anTs..playing cupid.----gaY--col0R's-and...
a fiXEd-.....minD.
he saw -"BiTs"=Everywhere!!!!!!!
hE never tolD....true detectives....
Bout the yelloW haiR....down the drain--OR-in the dumpster,,,
or on the breakFast table.
LuSt on THE RUN---------isn'T good fER anYone.
saw empty packs.....
puppets smokin cigars...on every WaLl-
plaid suitcaseS''=in open air CaRS
pop TaRTs......burned memories,,now
faces,,,,,of her=====........
flowered pinS-of his prom QuEEn-...
Genious.....after-----------all.-she WAs~.....
an he --------CrieD!="DAMN that GyPsY=====DreAM"
"lucy"?---NAH!!!!.......shE couldn'T.....of-.....been.....


jamie lepore
>Name: Bracelets_HELL....~JaMIE...t0 thoSE ..wh0..shaRE theyre Cigs...alalallalaaa)_+ Grew up in the TRenches 0f NeW~YorK CiTY....Where i,,,Developed ...a...senSE..FoR__(((( PaIN)))=(strongley advise anyone to stay away from cellars)~~__Started Writing At Age 4yrs=When singing newest peom in caR~mommy SAid!!==Shad up...I'll ..?~_. *I now livE in..Gutter oF miami=South=Beach+...And do_*Sing*...and..they still say...SHaD~UP..alallallalla* +my peotry is true crimes true things as are my songs+ +if youR in miami__finD,,,,,a muSic,,cellar....Bangin mY guitar+ ~~oh yea,,,,...~~~BuT!! (~_C-ya-Be-Well-_"anYone got a cig?...? Type 0f Poetry:____SLidin___

[---always Specail Bites to cait collins ]

Signed:Bracelets_HELL      *Be Well*Protect*YouR*Circle^)*
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^)_+JaimiEns CellaR_(_+^

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