Lee Thorn


Value Judgment

You can care about
Truth and beauty
Stuff and status

Those inclined toward the
Latter comprise a lower life-form
(much much lower)

(but you might not want to share
this assessment with someone
you’re trying to fuck)



lee thorn

     Lee Thorn - poet/editor and publisher of FUCK!
send material and subscribe to his mag ($10) and it's monthly.
address all correspondence to
Lee Thorn
PO Box 85571 •Tucson, AZ • 85754

(Not everyone who sorts the mail is possessed of the literary pretentions that render the word "fuck" inoffensive.) pretentions that render the word "fuck" inoffensive.)

Anal Hair and Lesser Matters
73 mostly recent poems by Lee Thorn.
$12 postpaid from the author:
PO Box 85571 • Tucson, AZ • 85754.

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