ISSN 1544-2802 -

> issue SIXTYNINE > june 2003
• previous issue •

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all that sky
a flat black
with only a cat’s
eye blazing

people wait alone
wind changes in
the cornleaves
people hear it like
a chord augmented
Houses chip slowly
stranded in snow
Only the sky is fast

  lyn lifshin
more by lyn lifshin!

this issue in memory of
michael mc neilley
mcnkent99.jpg - 3047 Bytes
10.19.45 - 07.16.00
1999 • 2000 • 2001 • 2002
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u n d e r b e a t journal
star contributors of present underbeat journal #2© star
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes production highlights/reviews bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes HERE!
basinski reviews
the hold - inPRINT
books/chaps/small press
• columists/rants

> Biggun hates YOU!
   sara T punk
> dickens' journal
   from in the can
> From the Orifice of
   the Playpen
   Linda/Paul Hurwood
> smell ME
   cait collins

    in the playpen 
     sarsalts.jpg - 4761 Bytes
      rated (se)X
         check THIS:
       Boohbah Zone

   this month buk
    "The Rat"

• memoirs

> the hold - issue #1
> hold archives
   -w/ hold contribs.
> mcn - issue#35
> 9*11*019*11*01

• poetry readings

> KENT/1999
> KENT/2000
> KENT/2001


• inside info

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aren't i the lucky one ...i get outta the cage every new morn tweak a nipple as i brew - a bowl - take my place in front of the monitor read all the submissions before YOU do and now it's yer turn = this is SIXTYNINE at it's best = this is like a major !DP! yes! you all ready for THIS!?(christ hope i didn't ferget anything or body)...SPANK ME ha! underbeat print journal #3 release - JANUARY 2004 - stay toOned for further details
cute mousey = movie snap SNAP! and --->away we go........
get down dave xo cait

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- grand central station -

Lee Thorn
...poet and editor/publisher of FUCK! (at the same PO Box in tucson) people should send material to him and subscribe to his mag ($10) and it's monthly. address all correspondence to Lee Thorn (Not everyone who sorts the mail is possessed of the literary pretentions that render the word "fuck" inoffensive.)
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes read Lee Thorn

Lewis LaCook
...Dirty Milk is a recombinant poem sequence for the Internet, using your computer's microphone as a catalyst for transformation. My goal was to create a unique reading environment for the texts; it is my hope that the hypermedia elements (events triggered by microphone levels and keyboard presses) make Dirty Milk a literary experience unlike any other. cAhHHrumbA yes! bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes acess Dirty Milk through lewis lacook's page

Cat's Impetuous Books & stuff - NEW ONLINE STORE
...Cheryl 'cat' Townsend specializes in small press publications and true alternative writings. Cat's carries artwork, zines, photography, postcards, used books, and videos. Books On and For Everything From The Classics To Pop Culture To Counter Culture ...
visit cat's today!

jim chandler - Thunder Sandwich
...the new issue of TS #21 is now in place - after your through here /check out this distinct contemp litzine...yes !

dan sicoli - Slipstream Press
... announces Slipstream #23 is now available / General Theme - 80 pages - 2003
plus the winner of the 16th Annual Poetry Chapbook Competition: trading futures by
Nikki Roszko Visit Slipstream Press for further information and details.

joe mahoney
...Here's a grinder from joe's new band The Sidonians, kind of a BlueCheer-w/-shittier-amps band = "Saturn Jane" + Chastityhat proudly presents "Oct 68" the debut CD
by The Poppies. -> check it all out HERE - yes !

... After a horrific cycling accident, well-known and well-liked zine publisher (My Moon or More, The Secret Life of Snakes) and former TW contributor Cullen Carter lies in a hospital, seriously injured. His fellow DIY writers are organizing a benefit show in Chicago to raise funds to help his family pay for the medical bills. for more info and updates visit the whirligig
- read the flyer and please help!

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• basinski's book reviews •
july 2003

bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes A Gin-Pissing-Raw-Meat-Dual-
  From Los Angeles

- Dan Fante - Sun Dog Press
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes The Leper's Kiss
- Alan Catlin - Four-sep Publications
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes Whitewall of Sound No. 32. - Jim Clinefelter
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes POSEY
-A Publication for Poetry and the Arts
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes CorrespnDances No. 2. - Editor: Tartarugo
bulletarrow.gif - 67 Bytes The Moon Makes No difference to Me
- Frances LeMoine - Asterius Press

default goto reviews

looking for a book previously
reviewed at
     find them here:
basinski's book review library archives

• art Xpo at •


Petalled Poem -3
petal poem3
view the series by
Allison Tanaka
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virtual headlines:

Kazaa Not Being Monitored? Think Again!

Whats this controversy we have all been hearing in the news in the past few months about weather kazaa is being montored by any federal or other piracy agencies. Well think again! Yes, that’s right. If you ever have used Kazaa well here is a good news for you that your IP, host name, isp, and anything you ever downloaded was saved on a log and sent to a agency that is montorig your connection, most likely your isp, in this case it was FastTrack. Now how do you believe me if that is really happening? Well we did a little experiment for outselves to check it out. I downloaded a Motion Picture (Name Removed) from Kazaa lite and then a few days later we get a e-mail from the ISP of the person who performed this test for us, saying how we broke the AUP of the ISP and that we should take matters into our hands. . . read more HERE

star new book releases

Carter Monroe with Eric C. Harrison
...get together with Carter and Eric with their new poetry chapbook release of
Parallel Enigmas / DON'T wait for this one to be gone / order through Third Lung Press

Alphabet Alliterations - ron androla presents the Pressure Press Poets --- a buncha yer fav poets coolaborating the a-z way - get these FREE ($1.50 s/h fee) while they
last! highlights and list of poets here

Jim 'Jazz' Chandler
...editor/publisher jazz chandlers' new poetry collection Smoke and Thunder is now available at B & N and Walmart online and should be available at other online (and chains) soon. get it while it's hot!

NO FRILLS ADS - for print journals
... that's right now you can advertise your events / new chaps / books / small press / magazines / online zines in upcoming underbeat journals for a deadline/release date: TBA/ don't be cheap spread your ink...and ours! more info

...QUALITY GIFTS AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE: books • chapbooks • small press print • audio readings -this section of the hold now UPdated for your convenience...NEW NEW NEW many NEW your favorite poet and the arts! GO

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• all content of copyright of the respective authors •
unauthorized use is prohibited.

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thunder sandwichcats bookswarm arts

Chiron Review | Erosha | Faux Press | IDIOLECT | Impetus | IniquityPress | LA-REVIEW
Logic Alley | MiPo | Slipstream  | Spent Meat | The Whirligig | Unlikely Stories | WomenBeat

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the hold inPRINT

Dave Dembinski-founder (july 1998) • cait collins-editor/publisher/webdesign/maintenance • Jay Miner-co-editor
• graphic design/covers - Jeff Filipski | Michael Basinski | directors in the playpen - Linda/Paul Hurwood •
©1998/2003 • a division of fingerprintpress • all rights reserved • revised: 07.01.03

caitwalk buk